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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The First 7 Months

I am so tired of being the only "uncool" mom because I don't have a blog, so I decided to try it out. It is a work in progress, so please excuse the boring page so far. The past seven months have flown by and I don't even know where to start. So, I just decided to make a list of the things that Parker can do so far just to catch everybody up.

1. We are now in stage three diapers. Parker is 19.5 lbs and he feels like 30 lbs. I gave up on the infant carrier and graduated him to a convertable car seat. I LOVE his umbrella stroller and we use it just about everywhere we go.

2. Parker LOVES his exersaucer and jumparoo. However, he seems to prefer to be on the floor these days. He will roll, roll back, roll, roll back, roll, roll back....until he gets ticked off and wants to sit up. As soon as you sit him up, he falls to the side and starts the rolling cycle again. I think he will be crawling within the month....but I will keep you posted.

3. Parker is a little pig. We now feed him 7 ounces and about 4-5 jars of baby food a day. Don't even think about trying to take the bottle away! He still wakes up in the night to eat, even though I stopped feeling him during the night about 3 weeks ago. All of the books say that it will only take three days for your baby to start sleeping through the night. Well, they are full of crap and I don't know why they continue to sell this bogus books.

4. Parker only wears polo style shirt and shorts now. I know that sounds dumb, but that's what I like to put him in and he never tells me that he is uncomfortable and he never tells me that he would rather be wearing "play" clothes. Polo shirts and shorts are just as easy to play in, and he looks way cuter! Yes....I am obsessed with putting hats on him and I think he likes hats. He is now in 12 month clothes and 12-18 month socks. I know, he is huge. Everywhere I go people tell me how big he is. Yes I get it, he is huge and I am small and I look funny carrying him around. There is nothing that I can do about it.

5. Parker loves being outside. I think he wishes we lived outside. He loves to swing, ride the 4wheeler, ride the golf cart, and go for walks. He stares in the trees and he is very observant of birds, ducks, and cars. He is very nosy...who knows where he gets that from...

6. Parker talks ALL THE TIME. I can only imagine how it will be when he is a little older. He says "dada" "baba" "blahblah" sometimes "mama" and various other varieties. I promise he said "what" the other day when I asked him a question...and I responded just like my mom "Don't you "what" me!" lol. He talks to the tv, to his toys, to the dogs, he even talks in his sleep sometimes. I definitely don't know where he gets it from....

Being a mom has become more fun lately because Parker is such a comedian. I hope he keeps this personality! I do hope, however, that his temper gets a little milder over time.

This week so far:

Easter Sunday was pretty fun and Parker loved his Easter basket...

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